design Lethe Press

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My second book design of 2011 has gone to press: Crossing and Other Plays by C.E. Gatchalian.

In process for Lethe Press’s Tincture imprint, Blame It on the Raging Hormones, a novel by Nathan Goh, coming in February.

Coming from Lethe in March, the latest title from legendary writer of homoerotic historical fiction Erastes, Mere Mortals, a Victorian novel set in the bleak landscape of the Norfolk Broads. Evocative cover art by Ben Baldwin, who also did the art for Wayne Courtois’s Tales My Body Told Me.

Also in March (finally), Lethe will issue Lee Thomas’s The German, Livia Llewellyn’s Engines of Desire, and Ed Madden’s Prodigal: Variations. The last doesn’t have a page here yet as the cover hasn’t been finalized although the interior is done. Due in February, On My Ro(a)d {retitled Coast to Coast as of 4 February} by François L’Érotique from Lethe and Slant by Timothy Wang from Tincture, but I haven’t received the MSs yet.

Arriving on my desk in the next weeks, books from two new clients, Chelsea Station Editions and Signal 8 Press. I shall have to remember to keep my design-diva outbursts to a minimum.

Meanwhile, I am trying very hard to complete a draft of at least one of three stories in progress before the end of January. And waiting patiently for submissions to BrazenHead. Hmmph.